Yesterday I made a
(last-minute) decision to hold the Great American Peanut Butter Tasting &
Challenge. You see, the hubs is somewhat of a peanut butter sommelier. He knows
more about PB than the combined workforces of Jif, Skippy, and Peter Pan. If I
got a penny every time he said “Peanut butter is the perfect food,” I’d be
typing this from my villa on Lake Como.
The rules of the Great
Peanut Butter Tasting & Challenge were simple. I asked friends to do a
blind taste testing of five peanut butters and rank them on a scale from 1 to 5
(5 being excellent). The challenge was to identify which of the five was
organic, and which was the most expensive. All peanut butters sampled were
creamy and all-natural, meaning that none of them contained added salt, sugar,
high fructose corn syrup, trans fatty acids, or hydrogenated oils. Two of the
five were Ohio made, and the milk I provided as a palate cleanser
was locally produced from Snowville Creamery. Each peanut butter was
graded on flavor, consistency, oil to butter ratio, aroma, appearance,
peanutality1, and jaunt factor2. There were seven tasters, all of whom received gold star stickers for participating. Here are the
*1st Place*
Whole Foods Grind-Your-Own Natural Peanut Butter
$4.49 (16 oz)
Overall Score: 184
Average Rankings
Flavor: 3.6 / Consistency: 3.9 / Oil to Butter Ratio: 4.3 / Aroma: 2.9 / Appearance: 4.1 / Peanutality: 4.3 / Jaunt Factor: 3.4
Comments: “Simple. Fun to
eat. Makes my tummy smile.” / “Just right. Oh yeah.” / “Grainy, very sweet.
Would be good for baking.”
*2nd Place*
Giant Eagle Nature’s Basket Organic Peanut Butter
$4.19 (16 oz)
Overall Score: 153
Average Rankings
Flavor: 3.3 / Consistency: 3.1 / Oil to Butter Ratio: 2.9 / Aroma: 3.1 / Appearance: 3.4 / Peanutality: 3.4 / Jaunt Factor: 2.4
Comments: “All around
very good.”
*3rd Place*
Trader Joe’s Creamy Unsalted Peanut Butter
$2.79 (16 oz)
Overall Score: 152
Average Rankings
Flavor: 2.9 / Consistency: 3.1 / Oil to Butter Ratio: 3 / Aroma: 3.1 / Appearance: 3.6 / Peanutality: 3.7 / Jaunt Factor: 2.3
Comments: “Tasty! Love
it.” / “I feel duped. Looks tasty,
but it’s actually bland.” / “Slightly metallic.
Fairly ugly.”
*4th Place*
Krema Natural Creamy Peanut Butter (Made in Columbus, Ohio)
$4.29 (16 oz)
Overall Score: 123
Average Rankings
Flavor: 2.6 / Consistency: 3.3 / Oil to Butter Ratio: 2.9 / Aroma: 1.9 / Appearance: 2.7 / Peanutality: 2.6 / Jaunt Factor: 1.9
Comments: “A bit bland.” / "Bland." / “Not a fan. Nice
consistency though.” / “Vegetal taste. Least
mouth-coaty. Sweet.”
*5th Place*
Smucker’s Natural Peanut Butter (Made in Orrville, Ohio)
$3.99 (16 oz)
Overall Score: 81
Average Rankings
Flavor: 1.4 / Consistency: 1.1 / Oil to Butter Ratio: 1.3 / Aroma: 2 / Appearance: 2.6 / Peanutality: 1.9 / Jaunt Factor: 1.3
Comments: “Oily. Not fun
to eat.” / “Clunky, gooey, hard to
mix. Sloppy.” / “Linseedy.”
Random Comments
“I love processed peanut
“Hershey’s Kisses smell
like vomit.”
“I’m lactose intolerant.
Can I have vodka as my palate cleanser?”
Sole Winner of Challenge
Shawnsation (a.k.a.
“Keylime”) correctly guessed that the Whole Foods PB was the priciest.
1 Peanutality: overarching
sense of peanuttiness.
2 Jaunt Factor: sense of giddiness and/or
hyperactivity elicited by top notch peanut butter.